Hospital for the Soul 

Links / Enlaces

Wellbeing Summit 2022

Join us from June 1 to June 3 2022 in Bilbao-Biscay for the first global event bringing together social change, governmental, arts and business leaders working at the intersection of social change and inner wellbeing. The Wellbeing Summit for Social Change represents a critical moment in driving systemic culture change for the improved mental health and wellbeing of all changemakers.

Pez Studio

The Hospital for the Soul is a collaboration with Pez Studio.  The all female architecture firm was founded in 2006 and is based in Bilbao, Madrid and Lima. They carry out sustainable architecture and urban design projects. They design spaces, processes and services in a participative way as tools for ecological, social and economic change.

Community Arts Network

Co-created by visionaries who believe that the transformative power of the arts can be used for social impact, CAN is a platform that aims to enable, engage and empower individuals, organizations and communities through arts and unlikely alliances to generate meaningful change and shape a humane future, together.